Iris Tien
Assistant Professor
Iris Tien is conducting research on how community-sourced data collection can increase our understanding of the natural and built environments in real time. We have partnered with communities in the Westside neighborhoods of Atlanta and the City of Atlanta focusing on flooding and the state of critical infrastructure, including roads, water, and power systems. This has led to the development of ways to use big data to detect damage events, and a new framework for integrating information collected across multiple sources. Damage events detected include infrastructure failures in the highway, bridge, gas, and power systems; and data from multiple sources has been used to estimate flooding events. As part of this work, Tien has developed a new course titled “Data Analytics for CEE Systems.” This course was taught for the first time in Fall 2017. The course explores the use of data analytics to address engineering problems across CEE. Students from across groups in CEE, including SEMM, CISE, GEO, and TRANS, as well as students from the Schools of Architecture and Aerospace Engineering were enrolled.