About The RCE

RCE Greater Atlanta is a regional sustainability network acknowledged by the United Nations University on December 18, 2017 as a Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development. Georgia Tech served as one of the founding institutions for RCE Greater Atlanta, and continues to serve in a leadership role. RCEs support implementation of the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals at the regional level through education and training. The designation makes Atlanta one of only 11 RCEs in the U.S. and 190 worldwide. RCE Greater Atlanta brings together nine universities and colleges with nonprofit, community, government, and business partners - and we are the only RCE in the U.S. with strong leadership and participation from HBCUs.
RCE Greater Atlanta aims to create a new regional model for collective impact, by harnessing higher education capacity and knowledge for regional benefit – and in the process, better preparing our students to be sustainable development changemakers, in Greater Atlanta and beyond. Interested in learning more about RCEs? Visit the UNU Global RCE Network website.
We are eager to engage more institutions, organizations, groups, and people. Interested in getting involved in RCE Greater Atlanta? Contact us at info@rcega.org to set up a time to talk!